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The most important drugs to carry in Travel

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The most important drugs to carry in Travel 

Wise men say, and the former that traveling seven benefits, and in order to complete these benefits must have an individual in good health, make it able to enjoy travel, without any health problems possible .. and through the following lines, we review together the most important medicines that can be carried in a travel bag to overcome any problems potential health. 
The feeling dizzy and vomiting of the most common symptoms in this regard, particularly in the case of riding the trains or cars .. In such cases are advised to take preventive doses of tablets "Bermbran" at a rate of every 8 hours, while avoiding fatty foods fill the stomach 
Occur headaches accidental temporary cross-section of travelers, especially in cases of travel for long hours, and in such a case is one tablet of the drug "Markouwen SR 400" as a miracle cure in these situations .. Also, this drug is very effective in cases of dental pain, but despite the efficiency of the infinite, but it was not suited for patients with stomach ulcers, as that would lead to serious health problems, and should be changed in this case tablets of another type is "Panadol Extra," which is also used effectively amazing in cases of high temperature. 
As a result of cases of vomiting repeated or to the presence of a chronic problem in the nerves of the stomach, this type of travelers often Maicon travel to them as a nightmare, as the burning and acidity are companion traveling permanent, to eliminate this suffering, is recommended to take tablets "Zantac" or "omeprazole" at a rate of tablet before eating half an hour, which have a great impact on improving the state of the stomach. 
Of contained too cold to be infected traveler as a result of exposure to air currents, and in such cases are dealt with "tablet Koonjistal", should not exceed the daily dose for tablets, where the increase over the daily average, may bring a feeling drowsy. 
Colic, abdominal pain, one of the most health problems worse while traveling, and in such cases no need to worry, as one tablet of the drug "Biskupan" sponsor an end to this whole thing completely. 
Finally .. I do not mind that contain your suitcase on the antibiotic, to be a broad field, Isthaddam in the treatment of all purposes without the other, and examples of antibiotics and wide area: "Emoxclav 1 g", "Aonictam 1.5 g," in addition to "Ojmantin 1 g. "
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